Study Smart, Study Less
Anne Crossman
This is one of the fastest, easiest books I've ever read. The night after I finished Game of Thrones, I read two chapters of this little book. I didn't read the next day, but the day after that I finished the rest of the book in one sitting!
What I Loved:
- Good variety of studying ideas, and differentiated by learning style
- I learned some stuff that I actually Incorporated into my studying habits
- Super short read - there's no excuse for not reading it!
What I Wasn't Crazy About:
- Definitely marketed towards high schoolers
- Not always applicable to my learning style
Would I Recommend This?
- Yes! It's only $10.99, and I do feel that I learned a lot. Plus, you can always share it with your study friends!
Studying Tips I Learned (and Incorporated)
- I am a visual & auditory learner, which explains why I've always done well in school; our schools cater to both those types of learners, so people who need to touch to learn usually have a lot harder time
- I've been doing my homework in bed, which is a big no-no! It's the widest space in the apartment that I can spread out, but it's confusing for my brain when I sleep and do homework in the same place.
- Eliminate as many distractions as possible, even music. It makes it seem like time is passing faster, but you don't learn as much when you study and listen to music at the same time! I normally put on some music or background noise, but I feel like I've been absorbing more information lately now that I've
- Use clothing or accessories as a way to motivate studying! The example that really spoke to me was wearing fake glasses when you study. I've been doing that the last few days and I think it's really helped me focus.
- 20-5... 20 minutes doing homework, 5 minute break, both timed! That's really helped keep me focus. It's easier not to answer texts or check Facebook when you know you're getting a break soon!
There are about a zillion more tips in this book, and they're all different depending on what kind of learning style you have!
What are your favorite studying tips? Which of the ones I mentioned do you like best?