Q: Where are you from?

A: I'm originally from Des Moines, Iowa, but relocated to Concord, New Hampshire for law school. J and I moved to Denver, Colorado in early 2016 and just moved back home to Des Moines in August 2018.

Q: What hair colors have you had? Which was your favorite?
A: I'm a natural blonde, but my hair has been brown, red, pink, blue, and pretty much everything in between. If I wasn't a lawyer, I would have pink or blue hair again in a heartbeat!
Q: Are you some kind of cat lady?
A: Yes
Q: Do you like cats better than dogs?
          A: Nope. I'm an equal opportunity cuddler.
Q: Are you some kind of feminist?

A: Yes.
Q: How did you change your mind from going to seminary to going to law school? They seem really different.
A: I originally wanted to go to seminary because I love studying academic religion, but I didn't have a plan for what to do with my degree once I graduated. My college adviser suggested a 5-year joint religion and law degree. I decided to practice law instead, and it's been a great fit. It seemed like law clicked for me in a way that religion never did, and I'm able to help people in a very direct way, which I love.
Q: I'm interested in law school. Would you recommend it?
A: It depends. Law school is hard. It's a rigorous, emotional process and you'll question pretty much everything you hold dear. 
That being said, I ended up loving my school and meeting some of my best friends in the whole world while I was there. I can't tell you if law school is right for you or not - and to be honest, I'm not sure if you'll know until you're in the midst of it. What kept me going the whole time was knowing why I was there and letting my moral compass guide me. Plus the forgiveness of J and my family, who loved me unconditionally during those three years.

Q: How long have you and J been together? Do you ever write about your relationship?

A: We've been together for almost eight years and married since 2016. He certainly shows up on the blog, but I try hard to keep some details of our lives - including identities to a certain degree - private.