Saturday, April 21

Coffee Date

One of my favorite blogs, Peanut Butter Runner, does a Sunday Morning Coffee Chat. In those posts, she imagines you're having coffee with her, and what she'd say. I absolutely love it and thought I'd try this concept out!

If we were having coffee this morning, I'd order a medium hot coffee, bonus points if it tastes like pumpkin.
I've been obsessed with pumpkin-flavored coffee since law school. Green Mountain Coffee makes an amazing "pumpkin spice" flavor that's simultaneously delicious and comforting. I make a giant pot of pumpkin coffee on Saturday mornings - J doesn't drink it because he doesn't like flavored coffee, but since I get up hours earlier than him on the weekends, I have enough time to quietly sip my coffee, check my email, and browse social media before he wakes up. Last weekend I added ice to my 26-oz cup and drank all the cold pumpkin coffee before he was even awake. This morning, I woke up to snow here in Denver... so hot coffee it is. All the hot pumpkin coffee.