Saturday, February 8

Recipe: Coconut Oil Chocolate

  • Baking Cocoa
  • Coconut Oil
  • Stevia (or other sweetener)
(1) Scoop 1/2 cup (or whatever your desired amount) of coconut oil into a microwave-safe bowl. I usually measure out two large spoonfuls. Microwave it for one minute and be very careful taking it out - the bowl will be hot, as will the melted oil!

(2) Measure out equal amounts of the baking cocoa into the coconut oil! If you used a 1/2 cup of coconut oil, add 1/2 cup of cocoa. If you used two spoonfuls, like me, use two spoonfuls. Mix them together well! I used a small wisk this time, which worked perfectly. You want to make sure there aren't any lumps of cocoa left over and its dissolved nicely!

(3) After everything's been mixed, it's time to sweeten your chocolate! I added 20 drops of Stevia to this batch, and it's just a tiny bit sweeter than I would like - remember, you can always add more sweetener, but you can't take some away. The cocoa is really bitter, so you will probably feel like you're adding too much. Test it after 10 drops to assess how many more you should use! After you've added your sweetener, wisk it all together again.

(4) We're basically all done! Next we're going to freeze the chocolate for at least 30 minutes. I separated my one bowl into two smaller bowls. I've found that when the chocolate is thinner, it's much easier to break apart once it's hard, therefore easier to eat! Separating it certainly isn't required - in fact, if you're making more or want it to be in a nice, square/rectagular shape, you could transfer it to a pan and stick that in the freezer instead. Whatever works for you!

I learned this recipe from J's mom, and I've been obsessed every since! The coconut oil gives the chocolate a real richness, and if you're at all a fan of dark chocolate, you'll love it! I hardly ever buy chocolate anymore. The most difficult part for me is finding coconut oil for a decent price.

Here's the recipe again, all together:

  • Baking Cocoa
  • Coconut Oil
  • Stevia (or other sweetener)
(1) Scoop 1/2 cup of coconut oil into a microwave-safe bowl.
(2) Measure out equal amounts of the baking cocoa into the coconut oil. Mix them together well.
(3) Add 15 drops of Stevia & wisk it all together again.
(4) Freeze the chocolate for at least 30 minutes, & enjoy!

Try out the recipe and let me know what you think! :)

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