Friday, December 12

What Happens in Vegas!

The night before my flight, I was anxious and just wanted to see my loved ones!

I had two flights, and got this amazing picture during the first!

I finished my third-to-last book on my 12x12 project!

My family and I got lunch after we landed, and Chase (who's newly legal to drink) and I got our drinks to go! Vegas is a lawless place!

The Strip was amazing, especially at night! Living in a small town during law schoo is so different from this, but it really reminded me how much I adore cities!

Mommy and me! :)

I was so excited to see J too! We had some much needed time together. :)

He's such a goofball! It was fun to go shopping, even if I didn't get anything.
We explored a bunch of bars, but one of my absolutely favorites was the Irish bar in New York, New York! I'm a creature of habit, haha.

I can't express how needed time with J and my family was that week! It's one of the very hardest parts of being in law school so far away.

New York, New York!

Mom, Chase, J and I went ice skating on top of our hotel (the Cosmo), and afterwards, I got a campfire martini! We found out that night that my dad is not a fan of ice skating, haha.

I love my people! :)

Love me some Jon Snow, haha. Well, not actually - he's a whiny bastard (HA).

My family and I went to the Chandalier Bar inside the Cosmo on our last night in Vegas!

Coming back to New Hampshire was not easy, but it was easier with a bag of homemade chex mix! It was also easier knowing I would see everyone again in three weeks.

Vegas was SO much fun and such a needed break from law school! It was not relaxing in the sense that I can back refreshed and rested, but I did come back with all the love from J, my family, and his family! It was a blast, and even though I wasn't sure how much Vegas and I would "gel," it turns out I really loved it, haha.

Now I'm in the midst of finals! Two down, two to go (one today), and a paper due next Friday! I'm excited to finish, because once I'm done on the 19th, I'm taking a road trip down to Hilton Head with the cats, and picking J up in D.C. where he's flying in on the 20th! I'm so excited to spend about a month with my family and J again, and having the cats around during Christmas is just icing on top of a perfect cake!

Good luck with finals, everyone! And if you're not taking finals, congrats!

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