I just read a post from one of my favorite bloggers listing 10 things that were making her smile, and it was so positive. Even though I love Facebook for keeping track of my friends and family, it feels like most of what I see is negativity... especially given the election cycle happening around us. I loved that burst of happiness and positivity in my blog feed today, so I thought I'd pass it on!
(1) Bad Feminist, by Roxane Gay
I just started reading it this weekend, and even though I'm not very far into it yet, I really love it. She starts off the book basically being like, "Look, I'm not perfect in any single way, especially in my feminism. I'm trying my best and I will always try my best, but it's actually a really bad thing to hold everyone up to some unreachable feminist ideal, because it just sets us up for failure." She has this authenticity and genuine-ness to her writing that I wish I could emulate.
(2) "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys
It just came on my shuffle. Thank you, sweet Lord.
(3) Double-Coconut Oil Chocolate
I make coconut oil chocolate all the time, but this time, I added actual coconut to it. It is a REVELATION. I made it two different ways, and I can't figure out which way is cooler: The "chunks" of the coconut (SO CRUNCHY) or the jewels (easy to hold and eat, still lots of crunch on the inside). I used a jewel ice mold from Modcloth to make the shapes, and J has a coffee bean-shaped ice mold that I'm going to try next time!
(4) Really good workouts
I had a really fabulous workout this morning. I've done a 5K before, but I wouldn't call myself a runner - I mean, I'm pretty terrible at running, but it's something I want and need to work on. My heart rate is a bit high (screw you, genetics), and aerobic exercise is a really good preventative measure for keeping myself healthy long-term. I made a goal this year to run 8 miles at one time, so it feels really good to make progress like I did today!
(5) My schedule this semester
I had a rough last semester: I was working half days and then going to school the other half, and it was really hard to focus on either because I was always being pulled two different ways. This semester feels completely different (maybe because it's my last one and I can see the end in sight? Who knows!). I work full days on Tuesday and Thursday while still getting home at a decent hour, I have ONE class on Wednesdays and Fridays (*heart eyes*), and I actually really enjoy all of my classes this semester! On top of all of that, I think J and I are getting a lot better about forming (good) habits and making time for each other given our sometimes-hectic schedules.
(6) Functional Compromises
J and I have bought new hangers *three* times since he moved to New Hampshire. I swear, we never buy new clothes, but with Christmas and finally doing laundry, we're about 10 hangers short again. It's madness! I want to buy more, but I decided this morning that it's high time for me to do an annual sweep of my closet and purge it. We all tend to wear the same clothes over and over again, leaving that shirt in the back that you're just sure that you'll need for that perfect outfit one day. Ha! Time to go through my stuff and free up a few hangers!
(7) Really good selfies
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fan of the selfie. Listen - if you do or like something that makes you feel fabulous and doesn't hurt anyone, I am 100% in favor of it! So much of our society and advertising is based off making us feel inadequate, and I think selfies are a great way of proclaiming your own fabulousness to the world. If you feel beautiful and powerful and cool, awesome! I hate the idea that we (especially as women) are supposed to be demure and hate ourselves and our bodies and faces and write off compliments: "Oh my gosh, no - I look so bad today!" Screw that - if you feel amazing, own it!
(8) My outfit today
You can't see it and I don't have a picture to add, but it's pretty great: My fav black running leggings, my "In Memory of When I Cared" t-shirt, and a slouchy black cardigan my mom insists is mine (I don't think it is, but it's super comfortable and flattering and hell, I'll agree if I get to keep it). I have a meeting with a client later today, so I'll have to change eventually - but for now, I'm wearing what I want!
(9) Support before the New Hampshire Primary
I'm completely at an impasse between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton and I don't know what to do. I took one of those quizzes about who you side with more, and I was 99% with Bernie and 96% with Hillary - not a big enough difference that I feel sure about a choice. I love Bernie's policies, but I personally love Hillary because she's a childhood hero of mine. Also, I know Martin O'Malley exists and he is fine but not for me. The struggle is real. Anyway, I've been really grateful recently because even though almost everyone I know has already decided, and seems to have really strong opinions on the two candidates, I feel like no one has pressured me or shamed me for not choosing yet. Instead, I've been given really good information, which I deeply appreciate!
(10) The X-Files is back!
This is pretty self-explanatory. I'm actually only caught up to the end of the 6th season (so I'm definitely not caught up to this new season), but I loved the first two episodes of the new season! Can't wait to see where this goes. Also, Gillian Anderson is a goddess.
Happy Wednesday, friends! :)