Sunday, December 27

2015 Goals: Final Recap

Hello friends! Can you believe there are only FOUR days left of 2016?! I feel like this year flew by, but then again, I feel like that every year.

This year was pretty epic. J graduated from college, I found a wedding dress, J moved in with me in New Hampshire, I worked all summer at NHLA, J got a job, I worked during the school year at a firm I adored in Concord, we got to see two of my favorite people get married, etc. It wasn't so much a "big" year as it was a "transition" year - getting ready to J to get here, getting experience, trying to figure out where J and I were going to go after law school... A lot of waiting.

In the meantime, let's go through my 2015 goals and how I did!

  • Start a new 12x12 project

My goal for 2015 was to read another 12 books, but this time, half of them could be books I'd already read. I got a lot of flack from my family about this new "rule," but I don't regret it at all. I hadn't read Anne of Green Gables or Harry Potter in over a year, and I couldn't go another year without them. I regret nothing. I got through my 12 books and then some! I still haven't blogged about Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix or the book I'm currently reading, Pride, Prejudice, & Zombies.

The Casual Vacancy
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
A Room of One's Own
Anne of Green Gables
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The King's Curse
The Princess Bride
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Gideon's Trumpet
Watership Down
Not That Kind of Girl
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
How to Have the Wedding You Want

  • Notice when I'm gossiping

This was a problem I really experienced last year, so really wanted to notice this year when I was gossiping. I think I did great this year - both on noticing and also on stopping myself when I noticed. Sure, there were times when I still gossiped, but they were few and far between.

  • 30x30 yoga project

Whoops... Didn't do this one. I really intended to do yoga for 30 days straight, but I jut never found the time and/or the motivation. By the time I realized I needed to do it, it was already December and I was about to go into finals. Sure, it may have calmed me down, but I didn't want to focus on yoga: I wanted to focus on preparing for my tests. It was a good intention, but I didn't follow through.

  • Give away 200 things

In this at least, I did not fail! I gave way more than 200 things away, which is surprisingly easy when you think about going through my seasonal clothes and cleaning my bathroom of all those weird, small items that accumulate but you never actually use. Easy goal this year!

  • Have a law school book club meeting

This was also a bit of a failure, but I don't really feel bad about this one. We did not have any book club meetings, but I was also the only person who read the book. I could have had the meeting anyway, but it seemed stupid to meet to only have me talk about the book.

  • Make blogging calendars each month

There were a few hickups in this goal as well. I started out strong and kept up through the summer, but when I started up school again in the fall, it kind of fell to pieces. I was super stressed, tired, busy, and even if a made a calendar at the beginning of a month, I couldn't keep up. One of my professors commented about how much time bloggin was taking from me when I was talking to her about being stressed, but I insisted I still wanted to keep it up. Ironically, I basically stopped blogging after that conversation. I allowed myself a break, guilt-free, and it really helped. I blogged when I felt like it instead of adhering to a strict calendar (which I know isn't ideal, but it's what I needed this fall). No idea how I'm going to progress this next year. It's going to be a busy one!

  • Find and cook two or more recipes each month

I was terrible at keeping track of this goal, but I honestly think I achieved it this year. I tried really hard to find and cook new recipes, and although I didn't blog about them, I think I did this *almost* every month, if not every month. No way to prove it, but hey, I ate a lot of food. :)

  • Make my bed every day

This was a complete disaster, haha. I kept up with it alright when I was living by myself in the Spring, but J actively refuses to have the bed made. He insists he sleeps worse in a made bed and that it is *science*, haha. Regardless, the bed has basically never been made.

  • Physical fitness goals

I had a few goals concerning my fitness this past year. The main one was to work out at the gym 5 times a week when I was in Concord. I did a fabulous job during the Spring semester, less of a great job when I was working this summer, and even worse this fall. I kept trying to get motivated, but I was exhausted all the time and couldn't find the motivation. I did about 5-6 weeks this fall where I exercised 5 times a week, but some of those were a little weak. I actually gained weight this past semester, though I think part of it has to due with cooking for two (which I love to do, mind you) and seeing J eat so much more than me. It's like, "Well, he's doing it, so..." Full recap: It got more and more difficult to get to the gym as the year went on, I didn't feel much of a difference when I wasn't working out as much, and my body didn't really change. So not a great year as far as my fitness goals, but I'm still glad I did as much as I did!

  • Reward myself when I reach my goals

This goal was also touch-and-go: I basically didn't do it until this fall, and I only did it for 6 weeks. During those six weeks, it was really motivating! I really wanted my reward (a Lush face mask), so I worked out five days in a row for two weeks with no problems! Later, though, the rewards just weren't enough to offset how busy and tired I was. Ultimately, I still think it was a good goal, and I'd like to implement more stuff like this in the future.


Looking back, it seems like I didn't get that much accomplished this year, at least as far as my goals go. But I do think I accomplished the things that really mattered - I adjusted how much I talked about other people, which was incredibly important to me; I read a ton of books, even during law school; I gave away a lot of my things to people who needed them more; I ate new, healthy, and interesting things; I tried (in vain) to keep my bed (and apartment) clean; I worked out a lot and took pretty good care of my body; and I rewarded myself for good behaviors! Even though it wasn't as good as I intended, I'm still really proud of what I accomplished in 2015. Here's to another year of growth!

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